The following photographs were captured while filming for the latest Frog video on our Olive-Garden-fueled trip to San Francisco. A few also came from our adventures in lovely Las Vegas—powered by mostly my gambling addiction. The real gems, however, were from a spontaneous fashion show curated at Zach Baker’s apartment somewhere in the depths of Gotham City. Thanks again, Zach. Sorry for running over hamburger meat on your foam roller.
—Jesse Alba
Fashion photos by Colin Sussingham
Skate photos by Thomas Goldman, except where noted
Getting ready for the big debut, Chris preps his first look. Dustin Henry helped style his hair red, and the rest came naturally

Voila! Milic starts the show clad in nipple tape, what I hope to be Happy Hour shades, a makeshift Alltimers skirt, two different shoes and a hammer
straight from the hands of Jim Greco to complete it

A closer glimpse into Chris’s toned body, somehow a lollipop appeared in his mouth. Thanks again to Dustin for setting the mood lighting

We had to call intermission before things got too heavy too fast. I hope that's beer and not pee-pee on my leg—either way, it was worth it

Back at it, Crazy T gets nasty with it on the roller aided by something mischievous in his martini glass

Etienne, director of the fashion show and runway wrench-thrower, drinking the worst possible beer known to exist and smoking inside. A perfect strategy for getting yelled at by a TM from a company that rhymes with Xans

I did techincally waste this sheet of grip and probably ruin that board for fashion's sake, but I'd like to believe somebody re-gripped and skated that cursed deck

A tote bag, some shorts and a roll of the dice, acknowledging my gambling addiction with my look was something I always dreamed of

And the fashion show comes full circle with a new take on the look that kicked it off. Where Chris found that baseball glove is beyond me and I really wished those were Greco’s Supras. There's always next year

Behind the scenes, we had crazy T and Dane Barker’s agent talking shop. Possibly scouting a new Frog rider to take under his wing and showcase him in the next Lotties video

A small glimpse of the aftermath

Of course we had to skate at some point. Here's everyone pretending to be cool with me trying a manual trick for hours till it got dark and never landing it

Luckily Hayden Burns did this quicker than I could finish a meal at Del Taco. Hell yeah, bud

And he gave me props for not possessing a chin

Hayden featured here in another @wet_fits. It was a shame that the guys from
Atlantic Drift pulverized this spot, leaving nothing left for our skate team to walk away with

Chris ripping a giant fart in Vegas

Hayden and Nick on our first trip for the video, standing outside our Airbnb. Later at the same spot, Daniel Dent—the lovely filmer and editor of the video—shit his pants on his birthday and passed out in the shower. Thanks for filming!
Somehow we made it out of Vegas to play in the Bay. Pat Gallaher kickflips into das bank with Tony Hawk’s previous pro model
Pat also came through with a hefty switch crow. We spent way too much time here this day, but luckily Tony V treated us at Olive Garden afterward to nurse our sorrows. Thanks, Tony!

Sylvain already shut the spot down, but I thought it would be alright to grab a black-and-white melon nosebonk as a souvenir

Ahhh, back to color, thank the Lord. Chris Milic uses his upper body strength to alley-oop into another wallride grab maneuver. “Sounds weird on paper but it is awesome.” —
Tomas Morrison
The rest of the photos are of myself, which I apologize for. Here I am trying to stretch my chins on a fence that hundreds of people have already wallridden
Photo: ColenWalked up to Mike Anderson trying this feeble switch the other day with none other than Wheatley behind the lens...
Photo: MullinsCan’t think of anything clever to say about this one, besides the fake
Thrasher shirt and this photo ending up on the
Thrasher website. It's called fashion, sweetie, look it up