Dan Lu Goes Pro!
Its graduation time! Toy Machine's ray of sunshine Daniel Lutheran put on his cap and gown last night at Ashley's Bar in Long Beach and made the transition from admirable amateur to applaudable pro.
Photos by Grant Hatfield. @insta_grant
Childhood photos were on site to amuse his peers
A skate shrine offering for the newly pro
Josh Harmony admires some early Lutheran launch ramp hang time
Local Cherry Park resident Matt Bennett and his lady friend Julia were there for support
SD Shep Dawgs and long hair lensmen made the commute
Sock talk with Kingman, Barnett, and Templeton
Signage for the hashtag generation
The Huntington Beach connection Ryan Spencer, Matt Bublitz, and Tom Karangelov
Dekline filmer Don Luong and waffle sole soldier Jamie Hart talk shop. "Yeah, but was it filmed in HD?"
The Grimes was there in true forum
Ed works on a new hashtag #prepubescentpros
Sinclair on the look out for Dan Lu. T-minus 30 seconds...
The ceremonial revealing of the board. The Tempster welcomes Daniel into the pro ranks.
Daniel takes a moment to drink it all in
Daniel's parents Chuck and Sharon flew out and surprised him for the party
Fellow new pro Dakota Servold shares the excitement with Dan Lu
Sinclair and Barnett breath a sigh of relief after another successful surprise
That golden Lutheran smile
The Toy boys embrace their newest pro
Baby Jamie extends it with two lady friends
The worlds nicest boy nabs himself a wall hanger
Daniel spies on the ever viral Johnny Layton...
…and he does not disappoint
This then prompted Templeton to go full Kiedis
Congratulations Daniel!
T-Eddy Awards 2020
Last year was the worst, which means we’ve got an extra-stacked pack of T-Eddys for the skate world’s gaffes and god-awful moments. Plenty of praise in there, too! Don’t get pissed if you made the list. -
Deathwish's "Uncrossed" Drive-In Premiere Photos
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Mike Sinclair: People I've Known
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The Search For The Perfect Am
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Am Scramble Premiere Photos
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