• Rough Cut: Wes Kremer's "Brain Gone." Part

    Rough Cut: Wes Kremer's "Brain Gone." Part
    Wes is everything we love about skateboarding. He makes it look good, he makes it look easy, but most importantly, he makes it look fun. Enjoy...
  • REAL's "For Those About To Roll" Video

    REAL's "For Those About To Roll" Video
    Hermann Stene, Jafin Garvey and Peter Ramondetta jumped in the REAL van for a day of skating in SF. Check it out.
  • SK8Mafia's "Brain Gone." Video

    SK8Mafia's "Brain Gone." Video
    The Mafia is more than a team, these dudes are FAMILY and you can feel the love in almost every clip. This full-length vid has enough stoke to last a lifetime, but it’s only live on our site for 72 hours. Don’t wait another second!
  • SK8Mafia's "Brain Gone" Teaser

    SK8Mafia's "Brain Gone" Teaser
    The Mafia is back with a full-length video that will be LIVE on our website for 72 hours only, starting this Friday.
  • Classics: Wes Kremer's "SK8Mafia Am Video" Part

    Classics: Wes Kremer's "SK8Mafia Am Video" Part
    Wes is simply one of the best. His effortless and fun-to-watch style has made him a legend. Here’s an amazing part from the 2009 SK8Mafia video. 
  • SOTY 2017: "Pro's Picks" Video

    SOTY 2017: "Pro's Picks" Video
    They can kickflip, handplant and switch back tail better than the rest of us, but can they select the perfect SOTY? Check out who the pros want to win the only award that matters!
  • Rumble in Ramona 2017 Photos

    Rumble in Ramona 2017 Photos
    The 7th annual Rumble in Ramona backyard ramp blowout was another one for the history books. Check out some photos here.
  • Rough Cut: Wes Kremer's "DC Promo" Part

    Rough Cut: Wes Kremer's "DC Promo" Part
    Wes is a shining example of everything that’s great about skateboarding. He oozes style, destroys all types of terrain, and always has a smile on his face. This Rough Cut is incredible. Pull up a chair, grab a bev, and enjoy.
  • Wes Kremer and Evan Smith Interview

    Wes Kremer and Evan Smith Interview
    The Cosmic Crusader and the Krusty Crustacean chat about walking on coals, lizard feet, getting roofied in Rome and Bernie slides. These dudes are a trip. Skateboarding is lucky to have them.
  • Indy's "Pedal to the Metal from DC to Boston" Video

    Indy's "Pedal to the Metal from DC to Boston" Video
    Indy’s nationwide tour climbs up the East Coast with a van carrying SOTYs Trujillo and Kremer, living legends Worrest, Baca, and Drehobl and young guns Taylor Kirby and AJ Zavala. 
  • “GLORY: The Legend of Dime” Video Premiere Photos

    “GLORY: The Legend of Dime” Video Premiere Photos
    The highly anticipated Dime video premiered on Saturday in Montreal, accompanied by an event as glorious as the production itself. Before the video drops tomorrow, immerse yourself in these photos.
  • Caleb McNeely's "There and Back" Krooked Part

    Caleb McNeely's "There and Back" Krooked Part
    Lightning-quick flick and a keen eye for spots, Caleb kills the cuts from Richmond to NYC for Krooked.
  • The "Cruel Kindness 2" Video

    The "Cruel Kindness 2" Video
    After four years in LA's streets with an expansive cast, flimer Jonathan Yanez shares his newest feature. Packed with parts from scene heroes like Tony Willie and Anthony Vega to a full Zero section, this one brings the hits.
  • Elijah Berle for VANS Part

    Elijah Berle for VANS Part
    Berle is in his prime. From deadly rails to harrowing hills in the SFC, no spot is safe from Elijah’s crusade. Seek and destroy, suckas.
  • RIP IN PEACE: Joe Fong

    RIP IN PEACE: Joe Fong
    Joe was not only a pioneering ripper, but also an early member of the Thrasher family. Get to know a legend—gone to soon—with this powerful tribute from his fellow lifer Bryce Kanights.
  • In The Mag
    Grant Taylor Thrasher Cover January 2025
    Off the dock and onto a rock, GT’s got this shit dialed. In this issue, we’ve got Pass-Port in Finland, a massive Tiago Lemos interview, Monster taking on the Copenhell festival and a glance into Elijah Berle’s life. Sink your teeth in and enjoy.