• Magnified: Cody Lockwood

    Magnified: Cody Lockwood

    The nosegrind has been a hot transition move these last few years, but Cody cranks the gnar factor way the hell up in Kowalski’s backyard.
  • Magnified: Brandon Taylor

    Magnified: Brandon Taylor

    The infamous grounds of Garfield in Seattle have seen a lot of action over the years, but this stunt has to be one of the heaviest.
  • Magnified: Roman Pabich

    Magnified: Roman Pabich

    Just 13 years old, and he’s twisting eggplants through the corner of a tight swimming hole? The world has gone mental...
  • Magnified: Jack Curtin

    Magnified: Jack Curtin

    Dudes have been popping over the top of the rails more often, but Jack takes it to the next level with this one. Damn!!!
  • Magnified: Brandon Nguyen

    Magnified: Brandon Nguyen

    This Stanford double-bar is not for the vertically challenged. Major poppage is a requirement. Brandon floats from fakie to fakie, after a brief battle.
  • Magnified: Kyle Walker

    Magnified: Kyle Walker

    K Walks has had a hell of a year, and this high-speed lipper is another big notch in the belt.
  • Magnified: Taylor Jett

    Magnified: Taylor Jett

    So many ways to get tangled up and stomped out on this one, but Taylor rises to the occasion and unlocks a wicked NBD at Hollywood High.
  • Magnified: Dave Mull

    Magnified: Dave Mull

    This is EPIC and might force you to drop everything to grab your board and go skating. Thanks, Dave Mull. You are a Champion.
  • Magnified: Jon Dickson

    Magnified: Jon Dickson

    This wedge landing is dying to catch his wheels yet Jon barges through it with a sick nollie flip. So rad seeing him unlock this one.   
  • Magnified: Emmanuel Guzman

    Magnified: Emmanuel Guzman

    A rough, downhill landing, an angry property manager, and one hell of a sick gap. Emmanuel has a history of memorable clips like this. As seen in the October 2015 issue.