• Krooked Vs. Kolorado

    Krooked Vs. Kolorado

    On some tours, dudes wake up at noon and have three-hour meals. This trip was all-skate, all the time. Crystal-clear filming, a rad team, and special guests—you gotta watch this one. As seen in the October mag.
  • Hall Of Meat: John Rattray

    Hall Of Meat: John Rattray

    If Rattray slams on a ledge and the filmer didn't record the audio, does it still make a sound? No, but this icy wipe-out is all too real.
  • Krooked Kontest

    Krooked Kontest

    Film a line with as many different flip tricks as you can (no repeats) and send it in for your chance to win a Krooked box.
  • Classics: Van Wastell "Gnar Gnar"

    Classics: Van Wastell "Gnar Gnar"

    The raw footage and loose edit of this 2007 Krooked vid shows how rad and talented Van really was. Mike Anderson introduces a classic.
  • Firing Line: Bobby Worrest

    Firing Line: Bobby Worrest

    It's not what you do, it's how you do it. Bobby starts off this line with a wicked, proper noseslide shove-it.
  • Krooked vs Kolorado Trailer

    Krooked vs Kolorado Trailer

    We've seen clips. This is gonna be a good one. Featuring Dan Drehobl, Brad Cromer, Manderson, special guests Rattray and Silas, and Bobby Worrest with a 30-foot switch back lip.