On Saturday January 18, 2025, the infamous Vans Combi Pool in Orange, CA was opened for one last bash. End of an era? The icing on the cake? Yes and yes. Thank you, Steve Van Doren
  • Channel Street DIY "Back from the Dead" Video

    Channel Street DIY "Back from the Dead" Video

    San Pedro's Channel Street roars back to life with heavy hits and killer riffs. Watch Russell, Pabich, Lilley, Borden and hella more bust big and get broke. Big thanks to Dickies, Vans and the SPSA crew. Get fired up and build your own!
  • The Last Combi Session Video

    The Last Combi Session Video

    Stevie Cab and friends cap 20-plus years of the Vans Combi Pool at The Block in Orange with a final ride for the ages.
  • Burnout: Back From the Dead

    Burnout: Back From the Dead

    San Pedro’s Channel Street skatepark roared back to life with a full-day freakout —ripping, rocking and fun, fun, fun.
  • Burnout: Cab’s Combi Blowout

    Burnout: Cab’s Combi Blowout

    Steve Caballero celebrated 30 years of the Half-Cab with a VIP final session at the Combi Pool. Hosoi, Pabich, Lizzie, MacDonald .... who WASN'T there?!
  • Vans Pool Party 2019 Video

    Vans Pool Party 2019 Video

    This was the 15th and final Vans Pool Party at the Combi Bowl in Orange, CA, and it was fired the F UP! From the Legends to the Masters to the Pros, everybody put it on the line for this one. May the fourth be with you all. 
  • Vans Pool Party 2018 Video

    Vans Pool Party 2018 Video

    The Legends, Masters and Pros all descended upon the Combi Bowl for the 2018 Vans Pool Party, which coincided with Cinco de Mayo. The holiday vibe was definitely infectious and everybody got sick as F! How do these things just keep getting gnarlier?!
  • Vans Pool Party 2017: Finals

    Vans Pool Party 2017: Finals

    The annual Combi pool showdown in Southern California is always a barnburner. Congrats to Tom Schaar for taking home the top spot. Enjoy the highlights!
  • Vans Pool Party 2016: Yardsale

    Vans Pool Party 2016: Yardsale

    It’s impossible to encapsulate the ripping all in one edit, so we made another! The Combi is a massive pit, take nothing for granted. 
  • Vans Pool Party 2016: Photos

    Vans Pool Party 2016: Photos

    The 12th Annual Vans Pool Party is a wrap and it was an insane day of great skateboarding! Check out some photos here.