• Welcome's "Seance" Premiere Photos

    Welcome's "Seance" Premiere Photos

    Welcome recently unveiled their Séance to a sold-out crowd at the Observatory in Costa Mesa over the weekend. I didn’t see any ghosts but the skating was certainly out of this world. —Ben Karpinski
  • Welcome's "Seance" Video

    Welcome's "Seance" Video

    We live in a world of limitless content, but it ain’t all created equal. This full-length from Welcome is worth your full and undivided attention. Skateboarding is a beautiful thing...
  • "Welcome Summons a Séance" Article

    "Welcome Summons a Séance" Article

    Join Welcome on their journey to summon a Séance. Light a candle, grab your robe and hold tight, ‘cause It’s about to get otherworldly up in this MF! From the June ’19 issue of the mag.
  • Double Rock: Altamont

    Double Rock: Altamont

    Familiar faces plus some young rippers you might not be familiar with yet, the Altamont squad ripped The Rock and made it look easy.
  • Double Rock: Welcome

    Double Rock: Welcome

    Days before the premiere of their Fetish video, the Welcome team barnstormed The Rock, destroying one obstacle after another–and making a few modifications of their own.
  • Welcome's "Fetish" Video

    Welcome's "Fetish" Video

    We’ve rolled out a few of the individual parts this week, but there’s much more for you to feast upon in the full-length. The 72 hour viewing period has ended.
  • Welcome's "Fetish" Premiere Photos

    Welcome's "Fetish" Premiere Photos

    Welcome week continues with photos from last weekend’s premiere at the Yost Theatre in downtown Santa Ana. Ears were ringing and faces melted by the end of the night. Your week is only getting better.
  • Welcome's "Fetish" Teaser

    Welcome's "Fetish" Teaser

    Starting Monday we’ll be showing selected parts from Welcome’s new video Fetish, before premiering the whole shebang on Friday.
  • Meet the Welcome Team

    Meet the Welcome Team

    Welcome's Fetish vid is about to seduce your senses. Until then, find out who's in the crew, where they're from, who's got the hottest dance moves and much, much more.
  • Cowtown x Brimley's "Tempe Park Halloween" Video

    Cowtown x Brimley's "Tempe Park Halloween" Video

    This annual celebration in AZ is always an insane riot, packed with heavy tricks and heartier laughs. That flatbar setup at the end tho...