• Road To Texas: Part 2

    Road To Texas: Part 2

    Independent Trucks has part 2 of their road to Texas with Homoki, Smith, Shannon and Hooker.
  • Road to Texas: Part 1

    Road to Texas: Part 1

    Independent has P-Stone's edit from their trip to Texas. Watch part 1 here.
  • Indy Clip 6: Shenanigans

    Indy Clip 6: Shenanigans

    Once an event is over, it's over. Add some soft grass, Rhino's birthday, some prime time juice, high/low, and you've got a good recipe for Shenanigans.
  • Indy Clip 5: Texas Hospitality

    Indy Clip 5: Texas Hospitality

    Carter and Doug let us hit up their zones and the crew was psyched. Locals Raney Beres, Raymond Sanchez, and Ben Johnson jumped in and got the session going with Jaws and Taylor Smith. A big thanks to Carter for hooking it up.
  • Indy Clip 4: The Midwest Rips

    Indy Clip 4: The Midwest Rips

    Came across this little gem in the heat. Shuriken, Emmanuel, Taylor, Truman, and Jaws found some good lines and had some good laughs.
  • Indy Trip 3: Good Ol' San Antonio

    Indy Trip 3: Good Ol' San Antonio

    Texas is known for its ditches. Jaws, Guzman, Truman, and Shuriken take advantage of a sick hip and take flight.
  • Indy Trip 2: Passing through El Paso

    Indy Trip 2: Passing through El Paso

    We pulled up to Santa Rita, where Shuriken Shannon, Taylor Smith, and Jaws got their legs going.
  • Indy Trip 1

    Indy Trip 1

    P-Stone packed up the van and hit the road with Shuriken, Rhino, Guzman, Smith, Wilson, Jaws, and Hooker. Spotted this crazy abandoned spot and Jaws came up on a putt putt golf course line.
  • Make A Wish 2010

    Make A Wish 2010

    P-Stone went down to the South Side skate park in Houston for the 14th annual Johnny Romano Make A Wish skate jam. A full cast of heavy hitters came out and ripped the joint.