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Independent's "Gotta Pray to Play" Premiere Photos

Independent Trucks premiered their new video Gotta Pray to Play in San Diego at Culture Brewing Co. We decided to put the word out for a low key session at the Ocean Beach skatepark with a bbq and some beverages. A skate session before a video? Why not. A heavy session went down with the likes of Dressen, Hitz, Marius, Townley, Nora, Nicole Hause, Lefty, Remillard, Clive, Omar and a bunch of locals until dark then we all rallied over to Culture for the video. The place was packed with skaters, a huge raffle of Indy and Thrasher goods was hosted by none other than Omar Hassan. Thanks to everyone who came out! –Rhino

1 750pxEric Dressen always down for a skate session

2 750pxWelcome to OB, Townley and Nora

3 750pxClive kick flip over the pyramid

4 750pxClive and his skate buddy Toby

5 750pxNora, bluntslide

6 750pxLefty’s home turf and it showed

7 750pxLefty and Omar double up, liplsides around the horn

8 750pxWes Kremer tail grab over the hip on some familiar terrain

9 750pxRyan Townley floats a big 360 flip

10 750pxMilton Martinez and his daughter made it to the premier

11 750pxDolan Stearns and Madison

12 750pxSk8mafia 4 Life!

13 750pxTight crew!

14 750pxLarbage

15 750px
16 750pxPacked house at Culture Brewing Co.

17 750pxPrints from the trip were given out after the premier

18 750px
19 750pxWes got in on some of them

20 750pxStraight to Thrusters for the after after party?

21 750pxSD Curb Crushers, Bert and Mario

22 750pxTough customers, Omar and CJ

23 750pxThats a wrap!