That new Baker vid that just dropped shook the scene. Go behind the sessions with Rowan, Zach and The Boss with this fresh batch of interviews.
Three parts and a bangin' cast all wrapped up with that Baker vibe we know and love

What’s the point of making a video part?
I’ve heard Andrew say this a lot of times, "Video parts are like an album to a musician. It shows a lot about you and what was going on during that time." Someday when you can’t skate anymore you wanna be able to look back and be happy with your discography.

Biggest distraction from filming?
Favorite clip in the new video?
Zach’s pressure flip in the dark.

How long did you film?
A little over a year, on and off, with minor injuries.
How do you get trick ideas?
Mostly just driving around and letting the spots you find decide what the trick should be. Rarely do I ever have a certain maneuver that I need to find the right spot for. Normally the spot comes first then the trick to try secondary.

Any reason the whole part was in LA?
Dream guest clip in your part?

Filming crew?
For this video, most days it was Aidan, Bag, Flech and Jesse.
Best warm up to go get tricks?
McDonald's (RIP).
Are you going to make more parts?
I hope so!


What’s the point of making a video part?
Show your skating to the world, or at least people who like watching skate videos. Good goal to have as a pro skater.
Biggest distraction from filming?
Remodeling houses, furniture, gardening.

Favorite clip in the new video?
Zach with a beer and gummy worms flipping off all the haters.

How long did you film?
This took a year. AVE’s part got me fired up and I asked Rowan and Zach if they wanted to make a short Baker video.
How do you get trick ideas?
Watching skate videos, new and old, skating in the park at Baker Boys and seeing what ideas come to me.

Any filming trips?
Mostly LA. Went on two trips to NY and SF.
Dream guest clip in your part?

Filming crew?
I usually keep it pretty tight, small crew––Jay Thorpe, Shane, Spanky. Try to hurry up and get the trick so we can go eat.
Best warm up to go get tricks?
Quick 20 minutes on the exercise bike and stretch.
Are you going to make more parts?
I’ll make parts until I can’t anymore! I got a few more in me!


What’s the point of making a video part?
The point is to leave your mark in skating and show what you can do.
Biggest distraction from filming?
Probably going out at night.

Favorite clip in the new video?
Rowan’s boardslide switch 50-50.

How long did you film?
Like a year and a half or something, but a lot of the older stuff got cut out.
How do you get trick ideas?
Sometimes I’ll figure it out at a spot. I don’t really think about it that much.
Does Andrew pressure you to get footage?
He doesn’t pressure me, but he definitely motivates me.

Is there a time when too many goons are on the session?
Yeah, there can be. But for the most part it gets me stoked.
Dream guest clip in your part?
Filming crew?
Too many to count. It’s always a mix of a bunch of different goons.

Best warm up to go get tricks?
Skating transition.
Are you going to make more parts?
Yeah, ’til I can’t walk, I will try to make parts.

2011 Maloof DC Pro Finals
The head to head brackets were set with the top 12 and it went down to Creager vs Reynolds for the finals. Big ups to the Boss for skating his ass off all weekend and walking away with 160 large. -
Low Life Tour 2011: Kinetic
The rain doesn't stop the Baker and Deathwish guys from putting on a demo for Kinetic. -
Low Life Tour 2011: Palace Five/Pitcrew
Hammeke checks back in from Palace Five and Pitcrew on the Baker has a Deathwish tour. -
Low Life Tour 2011: North Georgia Skatepark
Hurricane Irene got Hammeke's posts a little out of order. Here's his check-in from North Georgia. -
Low Life Tour 2011: Flipside Demo
Hammeke checks back in from the Baker Has A Deathwish tour, with photos from the Flipside demo in Asheville, NC.