Michael Burnett's "Full Blast" Brooklyn Photos
On Friday, Aug 11th, House of Vans Brooklyn hosted Thrasher magazine's one-and-only Mike Burnett, celebrating his Full Blast: 20 Years of Skate Photography art show which included performances by Bad Shit, Slashers and DJ Juan Love (aka John Cardiel). The night began with an open skate jam where locals shredded the park and many near collisions ensued. Band performances followed and a 30ft wide circle pit formed with enthusiastic fans tackling each other from opposite sides. Before long, most were beer soaked and bruised, but happy nonetheless. —Jonathan MehringDuncan Rowland, backside ollie
Mike's mission statement
Man of the hour, Mike Burnett and Jake Phelps
Epic flicks
Shot through the heart
Grant Taylor, always Full Blast
Art-viewing area
Taking it all in
Free beer!
DJ Juan Love
Phelps and some KOTR fans
Obi Iloka, layback lip
Xavier Dolida, front board
Joey Nickell, invert
Slashers—who else?
Shredding guitar solos
Slasher's bassist stoking out the fans
Friendly moshing
Moments before
Beer soaked and charging
Man and woman down
Widening the cirlce
Bad Shit's Tony Trujillo
Trixie and Phelps
Phelps getting his Randy Rhoads on
Show in the front, skating in the back
Phelps and Bad Shit fans
The Bad Shit portrait
Bad Shit and Slashers
Doubt it
Cami and Ji
Jared Sherbert and Burnett
Kenny Anderson and Cardiel
Jilleen Liao and Lacey Baker
TNT and Omar Salazar
Frecks and a huge fan
Desiree Billett, Tooth Log, Pep Kim and Will Dozer
Frank Mare
Bruno Musso, Nora Devin and Justin Zimmerman
Omar Salazar, Hillary Shanks with James Concannon
More free beer!
Dan Whiteley, Mike Burnett, and Jake Phelps. Epic show, Burnout! Here's to another 20 years!