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Marc Johnson's Thunder Trucks Jamboree

It’s not often you get the opportunity to skate a pro’s private skatepark. So if and when it happens, you’re gonna take full advantage—and this past weekend was one of those rare opportunities. Thunder trucks released a Marc Johnson signature colorway and in celebration Marc opened the doors of Biebel’s park to the public. And as if that wasn’t enough, there was free pizza for all and the afternoon's session ended with a couple of best-trick contests where Marc handpicked the winners and hooked them up with his signature Thunders. —Joe Hammeke
01 750px2007 SOTY Marc Johnson and his signature truck from Thunder

02 750pxA tribute to Dylan Rieder

03 750pxBiebel’s park

04 750pxKids from all over LA showed up to skate the park with the Thunder team

05 750pxDashawn Jordan, kickflip 5-0

06 750pxDavis Torgerson switch flips the table while Dashawn waxes the flat bar

07 750pxFrankie Heck, Bennett grind 180 out. Look for the proof in a Thunder video of the event coming soon

08x 750pxJanuary ’17 Lunatic Fringer Tyson Peterson, hair-raising frontside air

09 750pxDid somebody order pizzas?

10 750pxGet some!

11x 750pxChristian Dufrene, nollie heel

12x 750pxLocal shredder Curtiss Rowe, back Smith

13 750pxChristian, gap up to noseblunt slide

14x 750pxIsh Cepeda, blunt kickflip fakie

15 750pxTyson, tré flip fakie

16x 750pxIsh and Tyson, doubles

17 750pxThen the product was laid out

18 750pxThe lineup for best trick over the table

19 750pxTrucks for tricks

20 750pxStart the clock

21 750pxHeavy congestion, just like the LA freeways

22 750pxStoked

23 750pxThen over to the handrail. This was bonkers: Cody Jacobson, Cab front feeble back 180 out—whew!

24 750pxThat gets trucks, for sure

25 750pxOliver Rocco brought back the am shuffle, circa 2006…

26 750px…and got hooked up!

27 750pxPost-session product swapping. "Yo, you got any mediums?"

28 750pxThen after everyone had cleared out, Tyson pulled this one outta the bag: kicky back noseblunt! Thanks to Thunder and Marc for opening the park to the locals for an afternoon. (And thanks to Biebel for letting them.)
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