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Five Sequences: 2009 Contents Pages

To welcome the new year we gathered up all of the contents page sequences from 2009.

Posted: January 1st, 2010

Fakie ollie switch front feeble? Fuck yeah. Derek Elmendorf lives to tell. Photos: Burnett

You gotta be quick to get a trick at the 'Con these days. Nick Merlino drops a switch backside heelflip in three tries. Photos: Coulthard

Clipper gets KFFBrded by Jamie Tancowny. Photos: Burnett

Am of the year James Hardy is all growed up on this backside 180 fakie 50-50 at Rincon. Photos: Shigeo

Brandon Westgate spine transfers a different way: 50-50 drop in the Far East. Photos: Mapstone

Watch Cody McEntire bigspin in SJ. Wow, far out. Photos: Burnett

Sierra Fellers is a fuckin' magician. Check this switch frontside heelflip into the ditch of doom. Photos: Broach

Tony Trujillo gets shot end over end out of a desert cannon, but rides away unharmed down the spillway. Photos: Burnett

Countless boards have ended up in the wash at Winona, which is why Aaron "Jaws" Homoki cranked up the spin cycle on this bolts back three. Photos: Bush

Vert frontside fives look like flairs on a bike. Mega heelflip frontside fives look like Bob on a skateboard. Photos: Fick

Chris Cole 360 ollied Wallenberg and Cab front blunted an 8-stair all in one year? For sure! No little kids took it to the face this time... Photos: Shigeo