Burnout: Show Dogs
Vans threw a big contest last weekend with a bunch of skaters you don’t usually associate with the words “organized competition.” Tyler Bledsoe, Breana Geering, Taylor Kirby, Austyn Gillette, Simon Bannerot, Mason Silva and hella more throw down the gauntlet for some fun in the OC sun.
In the van with Matt B. No better place to be
Hey, I know that guy!
Scooping up Dressen and Frank at the hotel
A flood of familiar faces
Ah, the official bev of summer
Warning: Dylan Christopher’s mustache may be closer than it appears
Arrived at Vans HQ
Lil’ vert ses going off on Grosso’s Swingset
Peter, already slammed
Fun on the deck. Not shown: Pedro’s first-run frontside invert
Back on the streets, comparing knee-caps. We’ll get there, Tyson
Never one for understatement. This was Geoff’s big night!
Nothing feeds a photographer’s ego like their photos printed gigantic
Oh yeah!
They had a slideshow with Geoff and I before the main attraction – the new Take It Back video starring Geoff, Pedro Barros and Ronnie Sandoval, created by Ryan Lovell. This is me looking at the empty stage
Slideshow practice
Back on the concourse, ephemera for days
Keep moving, nothing to see here …
The fine art of eating photography!
I was actually warned not to do this in my photojournalism classes
Taking a selfie of your ice-cream though? That’s always fun
You could get a custom-screened Freedome Rowley board if you wanted to brave the line
‘He did that in the Eras? Oh no …’
Ceddy taking some technical arm tape to a double slider dinner
Oh, hey Beatrice
Up there! I knew I had friends!
Thrasher’s finest – Bublitz, Rye and BoDefSon
Always time for the fans, SVD
Filling up
And now, show time!
Baby, you look great today
Intro by Tony Alva. Not exactly a lightweight
My slideshow with Geoff went well, if a little long. But let’s skip ahead here to the main attraction – dun, dun, duhhhh!
The stars of this thing!
Everyone got a chance to speak. Eloquent bunch, these guys
The crowd went ape shit! Coming to the Thrasher site August 12th. I just know you’re gonna like it
Congrats, boys! When do we start on the next one?
Legends, reeling from the stoke
Quasi bros, out West
Rocket from the Crypt played but I needed to get back to the hotel and start applying sunscreen for the weekend’s Showdown contest. Thanks for reminding me, y’all
Up with the early-morning haze of HB
A lone surfer emerges from the frothy depths
Oh, hey Bobby
Another boardsman comes a charging
What, you thought the 1-8 don’t surf? Think again!
First one here …
Frank skulks the course. Teams were invited to create their own obstacles like in the old Downtown Showdown days, though this one was a bit looser. This red thing was the Baker obstacle
A volcano for the high-flying Quasi squad …
Girl got a Euro gap and embuttenent
And finally, Toy Machine had a sort-of recreation of the famous HB Skatepark rail. A fun, fast course all the way around
A little media training for Justin Henry
Reporting live!
Matt B, another sunscreen reminder. It wouldn’t stay cloudy for long
The Cheez-Its have more fiber. And, well, the cheez
‘Uhm, am I good?’
Mid-morning from the stands

This is how close we were to the water. This was part of a surf contest, after all
‘When’s it gonna start, anyway?’
Seemed like a good time to check out the rest of the US Open of Surf action
Like a whole village of stoke-related commerce and engagement opportunities
Bring your mags, if you got ‘em
Lines for free stuff snaked around and around the zone. Not stingy with the promo, these Wafflers
Make a surfboard
Kanfoush made one of these
A child’s DJ training zone
Hard to get ‘em away from it, right?
Repped out and double bagged
Vert dogs Danielle and Duncan, holding court at the halfpipe (not shown)
Hosoi fans, everywhere ….
Kovacs brothers, fresh from the curl
The infamous HB Pier
Mount it, if you dare
The lone Boogier of the apocalypse
I can see why Ed likes it up here so much
Skate town
For all the grief I feel dealing with the sad cadre of photographers I have to battle at the rare contest I attend, it’s nothing compared to shooting surfing
Best bring the ’tude! There was hundreds of these guys
Looking back towards the park
What’s that smell?
The HB police are gnarly. Exhibit A: they have a fucking tank thing parked right on the sand. Guess you can’t be too cautious
Just follow any Ray Bones fan to get back to the park
Frank, always fashion forward
There’s always money in the banana stand
Made it
Sunscreen reminder, take three
The Acostas!
Ok, time to get to work
I mean, do I need that weird tape too?
Could definitely use that sunscreen … after J Lay, of course
75% of the Pabiches! Nice
Henry on dangle. You seen it here first
Blockheads, reunited
Huggin’, not thuggin’. Right, Ronnie?!
The fans started getting fired up
And then the next thing you know shit was going off!
Mason, up the bar
A very relaxed, fun vibe at this one
More skate camaraderie, less weird shit
The Quasi juker produced some of the more magical moments
Party wave!
Good ol’ cannonball
Heavy traffic

Hard not to have a blast when it comes to Free Air™
The rainbow bar was a good time too. Berle, half-Cab 50
Dudes sliced over it like nothin’
I prefer Kooks Mostly
Stands filling up
CJ and Glick
Henry, tucked and ready
Yet the waves beckon ..
So anyway, I jammed two days into one run-on post here. There was a whole day of prelims and shit, but I don’t really think anyone looking at this would really care so it’s all smushed into one. That’s why you may see some people in different outfits from shot to shot. Loose ship, around here! Evan Smith, bone zone
No shirt, all action, all weekend long
Rye’s got a video today, too. Better have Griffin in there
The kicker was an extremely popular obstacle for the purists
And the fans alike
Big QP for scraping ‘em out, Berle style
So yeah, Tyler Bledsoe was there. Qualified first! When’s the last time you saw T-Bleds at a contest?
Riley, BS NBS
Back in the tent, couple of handsome strangers
Oh shit! Mumford and Hassan?!
Whose board is this?
DFL, always
Wilson and Rizzo, plotting runs
Henry don’t just talk about it …
Must get back to shade
Tension building
CJ on air
This park was made for him
Oop from Wes, SOTY 2014
Simon steps to the wave
Stalled out eggs. He went to fakie on ‘em too
Aborted hip plant! He was fine
Thought Danny Brady wasn’t at the comp?
Figgy taking his Prince Park slashback to the high wall
David G, boned down
Evan was on one. 360 the jump
Stand by your man
Backside 180 nosegrind down the slope
Cover boy Myles Willard styled all over the course. Good to see him out there
Oh yeah, brought to you by Vans!
Ok so Kirby is incredible, but people might not know that. He’s pretty much the Ishod of the Shep Dawgs. He can do it all. (Foreshadowing!)
Axel’s no slouch either
The men and women skated together but had separate results. Fabiana rides walls
Diego Todd, taking it down
Man, it was getting hot
Jake Anderson can catch air! Didn’t know that. Lot’s of fun surprises with this line up
Brady pops in from a jaunty NBS
Chima made it! Varial heel
One of the many incredible tricks Tyler did over the hip into the slam wall. Backside flip
En fuego!
Nollie flip, super casual
Got everyone hyped
Out of focus, but you get the idea
Clive Dixon was going top rope all weekend. Powerful stuff
Then skateboarding’s Gallagher, Simon Woodstock, stormed the course
He’d done his prop-comedy routine earlier in practice but decided to go for an encore performance during other people’s runs. This is a board being thrown at him
Eventually the powers that be intervened
Back to biz, Mason on biggie
Austyn Gillette at a contest?!
With style!
Kader made it
Stoked to see Beatrice out there
Taking slams with a smile on her face

Keep on pushin’, Bea
Spider meets Glick
It was this kind of contest

This was a Neil Blender tribute. Discuss among yourselves
‘Hey, go wax that thing …’
Elaborate pro reveal for Yüng CJ
Which I was wildly offsides for
You get the vibe though
These surprises are getting more and more complicated
Congrats, dude

What a time to be alive!
Fisheye-on-jump-ramp time
This kid from Brazil is nuts
Heavy flow
The Euro-gap rail was a fave obstacle
Kicky back lip, Berle-wise
There was the little hip and the BIG hip gap. Jake backside flips the latter
Likewise, there was a bigger Euro option that Kirby explored
As did Mason. Wow!
Shari White rips! Circumventing the patriarchy via a frontside grind
And styling it off the end. Too smooth
Here’s Tyler over that hip with the backside nollie flip. I know!
J-Wray, last of the selfie-stick filmers
Ok, so this is wildly out of sequence, but there was an ‘Industry’ contest for dudes and gals in the biz. After J-Lay bowed out with an injury, all eyes were on Matt B!
Our guy Dylan flexing his Skate Camp years
Once Rye did the rainbow the pressure was palpable
Frank bashes walls, Brooklyn style!
Casing his next victim!
But mostly it was just a bunch of old guys out there florfing around. Not Vern, of course, but the rest of us
DLX TM Nate Alton smashes Smith!
Scotty on skid
And then Rye throws the damn curve off with a Cab over the thing!
And in the Shameless Self-Promotion department, this is me grinding over the rainbow after about 16 attempts. All the kids did it like it was a pump bump but I was seriously shitting bricks! Haven’t been that scared in awhile. I recommend it! Photo: Evan Smith
Three-minute heats almost killed Tin
Frank’s wicked tré was just out of reach
Eleven years sober, though, so yeah …
Then B took his rightful place in the top slot
A thousand smacks ain’t chump change!
Couldn’t have gone to a better guy
‘Hey. You get my rainbow grind? Sir? Sir?’
More surprises, birthday style
Here we go ..

HBD Hart man! I smell a tickle fight
‘Is it vegan? No? I thought not …’
Ready for the Olympics: Frank and Nora’s outfits
Meanwhile, Rowan may be down to entertain some drink endorsement offers ...
That’s more like it. My favorite Canadians
Creepin’ in the cuts, White Clam style!
Justin on double dad duty
Poignant tape
How do you put out mind-frying video parts on the frontside of 40?
You don’t wanna know
The Girl/ 1-8 connect
‘No, its not a monarch …’
The crew was hella cool, melting in the heat like the rest of us
Back on course, Breezy nails that half-flip on request
Hey, have you done something different with your hair?
Maybe that Spitfire shirt is new
Logos out, let’s do this!
Quick crowd check before the finals …
Hey y’all
Uh huh
Ok then
Let’s do this
‘Is Raven out there???’
Final runs! Simon is bananas. This is an alley-oop fakie-to-front-truck 540 thing
Curren sailed in
Egg on bank! Roman was looking hard to beat although this is his first skate photo in the blog post
Nora in the finals?
Uh, yeahhh!
Peek-a-boo BSO from the Crank
Big booster
Don’t let his casual approach fool you, Kirby was out for blood. Shep blood!
Media personalities, everywhere!
Axel battered the ‘bow
While CJ sailed
And boned
Axel probably did 25 different tricks up this thing
Mason, hot Cab
This gap was bananas, as there was no rideaway
From the bank to the raised part. He poweslid into the box
Finally made this thing clean
And the Simon set down that egg to fakie. He can do it all
I had no idea who took it
Best trick on the Euro-gap. Austyn from the stands
Paul Hart, crooks up
Bumped into Rog at the bottom angle. Quick bracelet comparison
Ok, back to work!
Kicky back tail from David G
Paul, flipping deadly
Narrow escape
He’ll be fine
Good ol’ 270
The kid, heelflip front board shove it, among other monstrosities
Jordan Trahan brought marketing departments throughout the industry to their feet with this wallie pole jam!
Austyn skated ’til the bitter end. Wait. Is this the end?
Gotta be! Finalists called to the course
Look at this crew
Pretty rad
Nora earns one of the many ‘thanks for being you’ awards
A thousand bucks!
Kanfoush got one too. Damn straight
You can’t hug steel!
Our guys!
Myles got one, because he’s too damn smooth
You know Manch got an island. Insanely generous these Vans people
David won best trick, with Clive and Jordan snagging some cash too
Rock n roll
And Fabi won!
Equal prize money = equal stoke ‘em
Axel in third
And CJ snagging second
And then the big surprise …
Couldn’t have given it to a more ripping or broker dude
Yeah Kirby!
Oh y’all!
Ok, boys. Let’s get out of this sun
That tough Shep wall starts crumbling
Go ahead and cry if you need to
So stoked. Congrats, Kirb Dawg
I know who else was stoked
‘We can finally go home …’
Or stick around …
Goodbye Huntington Beach. Goodbye US Open of Surf. Goodbye third-degree sunburn. See you next year! Thanks for everything, friends

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