Burnout: Lizzie's Pro!
The stage was set. We told Lizzie that we were filming Tony's intro for the Birdhouse video and wanted a good ol' fashioned backyard ramp sesh. All we had to do was get her and all her friends and family there without anyone spilling the beans!
Killer half? Check!
Just some ramp locals I guess.
Stolling: readying for a day of vertical insanity.
'Should I skate?'
Let the airtime begin!
Vert Loy – over the chasm!
Oh, you don't know about Vert Salk??!
If I didn't know Ben was from Texas I'd swear he was Floridian.
Ah shit, the kids are here.
Heavy localism from Brighton Z.
I mean, super, duper local.
No handed shove-it, no big deal for Yung E.
Ok, this is getting ridiculous.
Vert Hale, hanging out his classic BSNB.
Loy gets taily.
Only to end with the classic wall splat. Playing with fire on that thing!
Meanwhile, over on the mini …
Classic plants from Clive.
Loy with a harsh bean.
Always someone tryna get street.
And then Loy with the showstopper!
But you already saw that on Tony's Facebook Live feed, right?
Jerome, out front pacing. You'd think he'd be used to this level of production by now.
If this doesn't work ….
Finally, the legends filter in.
Cab's classic training is crucial in any halfpipe-based surprise.
Packy Fancher came to support, tuck-knee wise.
Here we go …
As with any Hosoi appearance, the accessories come hard and fast.
Elusive Birdman? Check!
Warmin' it up, canyon style.
Packy, packin' a Madonna to go!
Classic Holmes slash.
Look out!
I love it.
Ramp local Jeff advises newcomer Anthony.
I see you Perelson, you handsome S.O.B!
Starting to be a crowd.
Top sheboarders, everywhere.
The street team decides it's quittin' time. Surprised they lasted as long as they did.
I don't know. I think he looks good in a full-cut.
And then finally …. the girl of the hour, none the wiser. Shhhh!
Lasko, nosegrind elasko.
And then the showstopper! Hard not to get a little giddy in these scenarios, right?
'Did that look good?'
Undead, coming through!
Grossman ollie-eth.
Speaking of, ya'll know Nicole Hause right?
So badass! Invert to fakie.
Nora with the indy scooper!
Lotta Losi talk at this sesh. Cab floats one for Big Al.
BTW, did you know Gilbert's working on a part with Nora? Consider this a goddamn teaser!
Lein loft.
Packy, feeble attacky.
To tail.
The beef narrowly escaped his clutches!
Ollie oop – get out!
Lil' Ben – misfit no more.
Four wheels out on a classic '85 SMA Natas?
Truly hairball invert revert. This dude could skate an ironing board.
Nicole sets off the air wars, to fakie.
Hosoi! I can't decide!
Ah shit, we better get this thing going. Right before this, Lizzie, who wasn't even gonna skate because she slammed the day before, totally locked up on a backside air, annihilating her elbow (not shown.) As she sat on the sidelines we set the surprise in motion!
Grosso feigns injury.
And in an Oscar-worthy performance of personal pain, he reaches into his shorts only to produce ….. the new mag!
And now the truly touching part.
Even in the full crush of the media it was a special moment.
Which Ben then squirted beer on.
The reality sinks in.
Tender moment, unbridled.
Ah Mom …
But wait, Tony's got something else.
Just her first pro model on Birdhouse, no big deal.
Again with the CL.
A Hosoi selfie is like a normal one, but just a little bit cooler.
Could Nora be next?
I mean, she's got a helluva backside air.
Time for a group photo?
Almost there.
Perfect! Thanks friends of Lizzie!
I mean, two more!
You two!
The legends trip out on her interview.
Wait'll they read it.
With Brother and Larry.
Axel 'n' Mom.
Did I mention she ate shit right before this?
Temporary Air Wars ceasefire.
Good time to show the new ink!
Your logo here.
Even in happy times, the punker 'tude.
Can't keep the Birdhouse team outta that van.
What a surprise, Loy suggests a shotgun.
Don't mess with the master.
'You gotta want it!'
The old hammer-the-other-guy's-thumb technique.
Oh shit, Party Bird …
Bite it!
Just a normal day for DL.
Ok, here we go.
The team that chugs together, stays together. Something like that.
Nice form.
Yes! Congrats Lizzie! You're the best.
Nothin' left but to mop up. Thanks Tony, Derek, the Zeuners and all of Lizzie's friends who made this an especially sweet day. So nice.

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Burnout: Awash
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Burnout: A Christian Nation
Burnout went to Houston, Texas with the Habitat bros. -
Burnout: Gig Relief
Burnout provides a few gems to start out your week.