After a big night it’s time to either sweat out the poison or try to soak it up. Alltimers attempted both with a donut-fueled skate jam at Fat Kid the morning after the Death Match. Burnout prefers chocolate old fashioneds!

One more morning on the stoop.

ET’s puffy sprung a leak


Always smiles outta these two tho

Over to Fat Kid. Puleo told me the origin of the name. Turns out it has nothing to do with the mellow terrain

Oh shit … Locals!

Totally intimidating

Consider the stoop relocated

With one major difference!

That’s the stuff

It was a GTWYC scenario

Although the jelly-filled went fast. Merci Leon!

Countdown to spazzville begins NOW

Bublitz, forever bucking trends

Jerome our humble event organizer stands watch on the props

Just about time to get this thing started

First prop – the skulls!!!

A most annoying obstacle as it had to be set back up between every other go

Still, many skied over it with ease. Jiro, for instance

Lui Elliot, leading by example


Coulda done five skulls easy

Fuckin skulls

Early-grab Christ. I know!

Holy shit! Dr Z!

Kader with the backside spinner

Even Gary got into the act!

When you’ve got that much switch flip power, it can get away from you

Tanner made it

When in doubt, grab it out

Shawn Hale was killing it all week. Cheeky footplant off the domes

The long view

And then … great success!!!

Wallride? Should we do wallride?

Coolest obstacle at Fat Kid

Johnny splats way overhead

Roman’s reign of terror continued

Cedric’s too

Nick Michel is from Las Vegas, a bank-to-wall capitol!


Santiago, scraping out

Wallrides to kickflip fakie too

Kinda hard to judge

But in the end, Lui’s keen eye crowned Nick’s vertical thrust the highest, which it probably was. Congrats Nick!

Over to the tiny, tiny bowl! Everyone!

A little more extension than most could handle

Kader gave it his best shot

They all did

Grabbing the top definitely helped

A could shredders eyeballed the macho tail drop as a short cut to glory

If you hesitate, it’s definitely not happening

Nothing ventured, as they say

Kinda fizzled out

Which was fine because an impromptu sesh on the curved rail sparked off. Kader’s in the club

Justin Henry’s patented crooks pop over. Wow!

Then Delfino slid the whole dang thing, bank-to-bank of course

Traditional stair and rail jam to cap it off

Leon managed to find an unorthodox path regardless

Mon dieu!

Tyson got Smithy

Micro hucker. He made it too

Lui continued to blur the line between employee and participant

Haulin’ balls!

Good ol’ 5-0 grind

Wicked tré

Don’t think ET didn’t chuck carcass

Santiago too

Justin is the secret demo machine. Especially since he avoids booze and donuts

And wha-HAAHHHH!

Hot v-heel


The ill pop shove through the slot

Kader with a backside 360. I missed the magic one-footed one

Show stopper number three – nollie crooks through the kink. Somebody get this guy a donut!

Nick’s ollie to balance beam was one of the wildest moves of the whole trip. He’s very good

And finally, the crud-clearing bs flip

Is that it? Are we done?

And that’s time!

Thanks everybody!

Some light organizational tasks to be handled – Canadian style

And uhm …

What do you want me to say?

Industry secret – you always film the intro last. Sorry to spill the beans Rye

Good times


Thank you Alltimers, Vans, Gary Rogers and especially Fat Kid locals

See ya’ll again soon. Next time: pizza!