Vans pulls out all the stops and then some to ring in Rowan’s new signature shoe—sky diving, skate jam and even a bowling-alley blowout with live performance from '70s Zamrock pioneers WITCH. We intend to cause havoc!
Meet at the airport? For a skate event?

What’re you fools looking at?


DJ Chavez, psyching up

Meanwhile, 11,000 feet up
Very casual
The buddy system
Not at all terrifying. Whaaghh!!
Free fall, continued

Nobody splatted. Good omen
Skydive survivors!

There he is…

Can’t help but smile

Fearless leader, Matt B

Had to be there


On to the safety of the Prince parking lot

Dead Baby on promo

"I was like…"

"And then we went…"

"And fuckin'…"

"Like, whooshhh!"

Spider and Big John, tailgaters

After 15,000 feet, the 11-foot deep end ain’t shit


Young Jake in a Pabichwich

The Muscle Show!

Eye contact request—Z style

Everyone was in the bonus round after that parachute

Thought Kirby didn’t blast?

Alex, Berle and Alex

Almost stiff

And the good ol’ Rube a Dude


The man of the hour tests ‘em out above the lip

Those things work for all terrain, believe it

Free Popsicles in the parking lot, bro

Who’s this slash dog???

Meanwhile, on the streets

Kev Long, flicked AF

Kader made it!

Nollie flip?

Ish, dominating the hump

Neck skates every bit of the park

He’s very thorough in that way

Rocket Rowan

And an egg for the crew

Was that a heelflip?

F yeah!

Scouting for talent

No way, is that Paul Zitzer?

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Not funny, Mike

A couple of Blockheads on the way out

Dicola, winging it out front

Baby v baby!

Yep, good times

Hours later, at Oceanside’s famous Surf Bowl

Private event. Do whatever the heck you want in there

Warming it up in the gameroom

Richie B!

The surprises don’t end as Rowan get’s his custom rock drilled

It’s either the ball or the wristbands

But Grant is PUMPED

In all its glory!

He’s throwing rocks tonight

Oh yeah!


Gotta cheer for the boss

AA, 14 pounder

Lan Man, sparing no feelings

Mr. Travis, size 13s

Mrs. Rhoades, elegance in rental footwear

JT on alterna-cam

Something fun

Tyson, in the strike zone

Everybody wants some

Dan Lu wants some too

Can’t help but smile


When’s the next Juice, Dan?!

It was like a meeting of the Vista and O’Side minds in there

Rounding the bar

Really liking Russell’s hair like that

Broose always wants to selfie
Music’s starting
Heavy duty, in case you doubted it


Rye bread

Erik with an official welcome to the shoe club

The Bergtholds of Fire Mountain fame

J Lay and Pink!

Gray went tacos

More fun to share

"So…should we get back on Emerica?"

The family that parties together…

Since when did the race car game have a machine gun?

Four-eyed friends of the mag White and Pink

Thank’s y’all!

And then the highlight of the evening …Zambia’s Witch!

Instantly mesmerizing

Things got fired up real quick

Possibly an actual witch on keys

WITCH stands for We Intend to Cause Havoc!

And killer riffs!

Definitely no parking on the dance floor


Broose gets recruited for a little cowbell action

Feeling it

Had the crowd in the palm of his hand

Babes gone bonkers

And then masterlensman JT Rhoades got pulled on stage for a surprise bottle solo!

Nailed it!

Wait, what?

And that’s when Rowan got recruited into the coven

All part of getting a shoe, I guess

Amazing night. Congrats, Rozo!

Gonna be hard to top this one