"Altitude Sickness: Monsters in the Mountains" Article

Wish granted, Beanwater is badass
We renamed Breckenridge “Brecken-rage” ’cause it’s a rowdy-ass ski-resort town. Erick stretches it out at the best little skatepark in Texas. I mean, Colorado
Classic moves on modern art—Lukas, ollie grab to fakie
Which side will cave first?
Lukas and Erick were running wide-ass 58mm wheels and had no problem charging this BMX track. Not all double 360s are 720s
Schaar had some skinny 54s and kept eating shit as soon as he’d roll off the ramp. He put this kickflip down just before the sun gave up and rode it all the way to the sage bushes. Turns out dirt do hurt
The safest part of the trip
Former Tulsa, OK, skateshop owner and current Denver, CO, resident Brian McNair was our local guide. On top of lining up the best parks and backyard sessions, he also laid down some heavy Smith grinds, including this one at Jesse’s bowl outside of South Park
Every Southwest excursion requires one human sacrifice. Sorry, Erick

Leading the charg while avoiding the chunked-out coping, Rune sends a frontside air to the sun
He heard there was gold in the hills and went digging in Leadville. Don’t worry about the BMXers, Lukas is here to destroy your park
Everyone got a little footloose on this trip, Erick was no exception. One-footed Andrecht on a breaking block
Erick's full of surprises, like this finger-flip fake out to tail
It was pitch dark when we got to the hot springs and we didn’t realize how many people were already in the water ’til Hambone shot this photo. Sardine party hardy
Caught between the fisheyes, Joe and Chris put Beckett's deep-end front feeble in their crosshairs
Tom, tailgrab nosegrind from high to slightly-less-high
Tom went fly fishing in CO and reeled in this stalefish. Jesus, how many times can we make that joke? Keep buying the mag and find out…
Thanks to all the locals and Monster for the support.

Thanks to all the locals and Monster for the support.
Pro-Tec x Volcom Mag Vibes
Rune Glifberg introduces the Pro-Tec x Volcom Mag Vibes classic skate helmet. -
Island Paradise: Monster Storms Bali Video
Killer concrete in a South Pacific paradise? Sign us up! This is a prime example of work and play all mixed up into something marvelous. Book a trip to Bali now! -
Island Paradise: Monster Storms Bali Article
October of last year, our European friends Rune Glifberg, Kevin Bækkel and Sam Beckett escaped their respective winter wonderlands and headed towards the fun and sun of Indonesia. -
Vert Attack 2018 Video
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CPH Open 2017 "The Final Chapter" Video
If you’ve ever wanted to check out the CPH Open on hallucinogenics but can’t afford the airfare and don’t wanna fry your brain, you’re in luck! Peep this psychedelic dreamscape edit of last year’s event. Trip. On. That.