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2nd Annual Lower Bob's P-Stone Invitational Photos

A sunny day in Oakland brought out a heavy crew of skaters and spectators to celebrate the life of Preston "P-Stone" Maigetter. In the past year we also lost Mark "Monk" Hubbard and our beloved Editor in Chief, Jake Phelps, so this year’s event was extra heavy. The Lower Bobs crew added some new ‘crete to the park and shit got turned up to 11! After it was all said and done, everyone who showed up and skated won, but the official trophy winners who rev’d it up all day were Ronnie Sandoval in 1st, Roman Pabich snagging 2nd and Rowan Zorilla zipping into 3rd. And don’t forget about Pedro Barros—he took home the Widow Maker award. See you next year! —Rhino

signs brook DZ 750pxLower Bobs warning signs—enter at your own risk!


antics brook DZ 750pxThe parking-lot antics started early in the morning


fatty mac brook DZ DZ 750pxFatty Mac on the grill, P-Stone would definitely approve!

 DSC2605 DZ 750pxRobbie Russo was killing it all day, no-comply tailslide

daan manchild silas brook DZ 750pxDaan, Manchild and Silas

austin cards daan brook DZ 750pxCardiel fired up the tunes

neck announcing brook DZ 750pxNeckface on the mic


raven with crew brook DZ 750pxOne of the best seats in the house—tailgate party in Raven’s truck

raney 180 ng brook DZ 750pxLower Bobs was maxed out! Raney, 180 nosegrind

 DSC2520 DZ 750pxMcCrank and Max

russell ollie brook DZ 750pxThe Muscle lofts a FSO over the hip

 DSC2525 DZ 750pxBob, Silas and Plunkett

 DSC2575 DZ 750pxIshod noseblunts the big wall

cody pro 3 brook DZ 750pxWhat a rad place to turn pro. Congratulations, Cold Dawg!

grosso nuge brook DZ 750pxGrosso and the Nuge

 DSC2424 DZ 750pxHip antics with Evan Smith and T-Funk

 DSC2409 DZ 750pxRoman, Russell and Kader

treece tg brook DZ 750pxChuck Treece and Tommy G

 DSC2367 DZ 750pxEli Williams, boneless

ronnie tnt max brook DZ 750pxDLX heavyweights Ronnie, TNT and Max

 DSC2364 DZ 750pxLower Bobs VIP seats

manchild over red brook DZ 750pxManchild goes over Red

red wheat brook DZ 750pxWheatberry and Red, heating up the session

 DSC2507 DZ 750pxRaney stands tall on this frontside invert. Grosso approved? I’m sure!

 DSC2613 DZ 750pxRowan held it down all day and destroyed everything—over the hip in the finals

 DSC2681 DZ 750pxMC Money Bump and Eman

 DSC2649 DZ 750pxArmamento Fatal pumped out the jams

 DSC2670 DZ 750pxDrunk Dom raged the lot, too

 DSC2592 DZ 750pxPedro Barros with the air show—you don’t win the Widow Maker by hanging out on the ground!

ronnie invert brook DZ 750pxRonnie Sandoval put down so many tricks and lines. Looks like that knee is all healed up. Congratulations on the win, Ronnie!

trophies brook DZ 750pxThe trophies

winner 2 brook DZ 1 750pxRonnie, 1st, Roman 2nd, Rowan 3rd, and Pedro with the Widow Maker award for killing it all day

 DSC2690 DZ 750pxThe fire was burning all night, just the way P-Stone, Hubbs and Jake would’ve liked it! Remember to keep rolling for all those that can’t!